Does fighting in public grab attention?

Yesterday, when I was watching a street fight among the teenage students of a prestigious school, thought of sharing a few things about the scene created. During the brawl, people around could see that there were passers-by of all ages and other youngsters from various other institutions capturing the scene and discussing among themselves as to know the reason why and what could have triggered those young girls to pick up the fight.

Social media went on heralding the issue of miscommunication or abusive exchange of words used, which could be one of the reasons for the fight. Other recorded videos, mentioned the friendship issues too! Whatever the reason could be, it became fodder for debate on Regional Television channels.

At the outset, the fight suggests some of the issues at the ‘confusing age’ of adolescents. In society, during this teenage/ pre-adolescent and adolescent phase, we see three kinds of personality dispositions.

Kinds of personality dispositions :

  1. Type one- With the influx of hormones girls/ boys get into the phase called infatuation and cannot think of their dignity. Can we blame the hormones or the parenting style? Could this be because of too rigid parenting or too liberal parenting by granting ‘yes’ to all the whims and fancies of their children? This cost the parents in the long run.
  2. Type two-Thinks about the consequences and withdraws from glaring attention of any kind. But, yearns for a companion. This kind of personality disposition calls for caution and calls for attention from the parents.
  3. Type three- More practical and focused in his/ her behavior. Doesn’t want to mess up one’s credibility and integrity. This kind of disposition is more assertive and hassle-free kind.

Having explained the various personality dispositions, should I not tell parents what they can do?

As parents, what should you do?

  1. Spend a substantial amount of time with your children to know what is happening in their life.
  2. Be a good listener without putting words into their mouth.
  3. Take charge of their life whenever they want you to guard them. (I have mentioned this in my previous post about liberal negligent parenting style)
  4. Don’t set too high standards and expectations for your children. Let them be achievable.

What can the schools do to prevent students from fighting?

  1. Have tough rules for their wards for the smooth functioning of their school.
  2. Ensure that students abide by the rules and they cannot be a matter of choice and should not be.
  3. Make Parents visit the school often
  4. Make the parents meeting with the superiors or with the respective authorities more cordial.
  5. Extend In-house counseling and make it mandatory for all reckless behavior of the student/s.
  6. Suspension cannot be the only solution. Finding a solution to rectify the behaviour should be the sought-after remedy.
  7. Implement Long hours of physical education and moral education and make them mandatory in the school Timetable.
  8. Educate students that mocking their peers in public is definitely a big ‘NO’.
  9. Appreciate the students after the reformation in their behavior ( do this after a thorough observation is made ).

Skills of a counselor

However, in schools, how many counselors are given a chance to sit with the wards, or how many reliable counselors are employed in the schools? this is a matter of concern. Counselors cannot practice just by having a degree, for having completed the course, without the skill of resolving. Nevertheless, the counselor should be creative enough to deal with the students with a plan or two.

All of us know that the adolescent’s life can be compared to a ball of molten glass, which can be shaped into any shape and into any thickness ( toughness to withstand). The skill of shaping rests with the parents, the counselor, the school authority, and friends.

Can parents be friends with their children?


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